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Constructor for a packagetarget struct

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As many of you know goto is usually signs of code smell. However I thought this could be an appropriate case, and would like confirmation or criticism.

Unnecessary section such as the called functions were removed. Every non-standard function returns an int as status, 0 is "OK"; except linkedlist_open() which returns a pointer which could be NULL if the system runs out of memory.

packagetarget_close() does implement the necessary NULL checks.

packagetarget *packagetarget_open()

packagetarget *target = (packagetarget*) malloc(sizeof(packagetarget));

if (!target) return NULL;

if (packagetarget_setname(target, ""))
goto disposer;
if (packagetarget_setsys(target, PACKAGETARGET_SYS))
goto disposer;
if (packagetarget_setarch(target, PACKAGETARGET_ARCH))
goto disposer;
if (packagetarget_setmin(target, PACKAGETARGET_MIN))
goto disposer;
if (packagetarget_setver(target, PACKAGETARGET_VER))
goto disposer;
if (packagetarget_setmax(target, PACKAGETARGET_MAX))
goto disposer;

linkedlist *comp = linkedlist_open();

if (!comp) goto disposer;

target->comp = comp;

return target;

return NULL;

Each setter function follows a simple pattern. Since each setter is identical, I will only put the code for packagetarget_setname.

int packagetarget_setname(packagetarget *target, char *name)

if (!target) return 1;

if (!name) return 2;

target->name = realloc(target->name, strlen(name) * sizeof(char));

if (!target->name) return 3;

strcpy(target->name, name);

return 0;

Here is the packagetarget_close function:

void packagetarget_close(packagetarget *target)

if (!target) return;

if (target->name) free(target->name);
if (target->sys) free(target->sys);
if (target->arch) free(target->arch);
if (target->min) free(target->min);
if (target->ver) free(target->ver);
if (target->min) free(target->min);
if (target->comp) linkedlist_close(target->comp);



linkedlist_open is a similar function to the packagetarget_open.

linkedlist *linkedlist_open()

linkedlist *list = (linkedlist*) malloc(sizeof(linkedlist));

if (!list) return NULL;

list->head = NULL;
list->length = 0;
list->remhook = NULL;

return list;

The one thing most of these functions is they may fail when the system runs out of memory. So I have implemented checks for each step.

share|improve this question

New contributor

utkumaden is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
Check out our Code of Conduct.


  • $begingroup$
    "However I thought this could be an appropriate case, and would like confirmation or criticism." Yet you've stripped the code out of all it's context so we can't determine whether you're right or not. The code you've provided looks like it should've been used in a wrapper, not with goto constructs. Please provide more code and an explanation of what it's supposed to do so we can see how this snippet is being used. Stack Overflow likes minimal examples, Code Review does absolutely not. Please take a look at our FAQ on asking questions.
    – Mast
    4 hours ago

  • $begingroup$
    Not all of the functions are written, yet. This function is a constructor for a struct named packagetarget. The idea is to allocate the struct in memory, and then call the setter methods for each field, which may fail. EDIT: If any step fails, the destructor function is called, once; and the function returns a null pointer.
    – utkumaden
    4 hours ago

  • $begingroup$
    If not all the functions are written, are you sure it works the way it should? And how can you be sure this is the right way to do it if you haven't completed the rest? It sounds like you're simply too early in the process got get this meaningfully reviewed and your question answered.
    – Mast
    4 hours ago

  • $begingroup$
    I have updated the question to include more code.
    – utkumaden
    3 hours ago

  • $begingroup$
    What is a constructor in C? I know what a constructor is in C++. Did you mean C++?
    – pacmaninbw
    3 hours ago



As many of you know goto is usually signs of code smell. However I thought this could be an appropriate case, and would like confirmation or criticism.

Unnecessary section such as the called functions were removed. Every non-standard function returns an int as status, 0 is "OK"; except linkedlist_open() which returns a pointer which could be NULL if the system runs out of memory.

packagetarget_close() does implement the necessary NULL checks.

packagetarget *packagetarget_open()

packagetarget *target = (packagetarget*) malloc(sizeof(packagetarget));

if (!target) return NULL;

if (packagetarget_setname(target, ""))
goto disposer;
if (packagetarget_setsys(target, PACKAGETARGET_SYS))
goto disposer;
if (packagetarget_setarch(target, PACKAGETARGET_ARCH))
goto disposer;
if (packagetarget_setmin(target, PACKAGETARGET_MIN))
goto disposer;
if (packagetarget_setver(target, PACKAGETARGET_VER))
goto disposer;
if (packagetarget_setmax(target, PACKAGETARGET_MAX))
goto disposer;

linkedlist *comp = linkedlist_open();

if (!comp) goto disposer;

target->comp = comp;

return target;

return NULL;

Each setter function follows a simple pattern. Since each setter is identical, I will only put the code for packagetarget_setname.

int packagetarget_setname(packagetarget *target, char *name)

if (!target) return 1;

if (!name) return 2;

target->name = realloc(target->name, strlen(name) * sizeof(char));

if (!target->name) return 3;

strcpy(target->name, name);

return 0;

Here is the packagetarget_close function:

void packagetarget_close(packagetarget *target)

if (!target) return;

if (target->name) free(target->name);
if (target->sys) free(target->sys);
if (target->arch) free(target->arch);
if (target->min) free(target->min);
if (target->ver) free(target->ver);
if (target->min) free(target->min);
if (target->comp) linkedlist_close(target->comp);



linkedlist_open is a similar function to the packagetarget_open.

linkedlist *linkedlist_open()

linkedlist *list = (linkedlist*) malloc(sizeof(linkedlist));

if (!list) return NULL;

list->head = NULL;
list->length = 0;
list->remhook = NULL;

return list;

The one thing most of these functions is they may fail when the system runs out of memory. So I have implemented checks for each step.

share|improve this question

New contributor

utkumaden is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
Check out our Code of Conduct.


  • $begingroup$
    "However I thought this could be an appropriate case, and would like confirmation or criticism." Yet you've stripped the code out of all it's context so we can't determine whether you're right or not. The code you've provided looks like it should've been used in a wrapper, not with goto constructs. Please provide more code and an explanation of what it's supposed to do so we can see how this snippet is being used. Stack Overflow likes minimal examples, Code Review does absolutely not. Please take a look at our FAQ on asking questions.
    – Mast
    4 hours ago

  • $begingroup$
    Not all of the functions are written, yet. This function is a constructor for a struct named packagetarget. The idea is to allocate the struct in memory, and then call the setter methods for each field, which may fail. EDIT: If any step fails, the destructor function is called, once; and the function returns a null pointer.
    – utkumaden
    4 hours ago

  • $begingroup$
    If not all the functions are written, are you sure it works the way it should? And how can you be sure this is the right way to do it if you haven't completed the rest? It sounds like you're simply too early in the process got get this meaningfully reviewed and your question answered.
    – Mast
    4 hours ago

  • $begingroup$
    I have updated the question to include more code.
    – utkumaden
    3 hours ago

  • $begingroup$
    What is a constructor in C? I know what a constructor is in C++. Did you mean C++?
    – pacmaninbw
    3 hours ago





As many of you know goto is usually signs of code smell. However I thought this could be an appropriate case, and would like confirmation or criticism.

Unnecessary section such as the called functions were removed. Every non-standard function returns an int as status, 0 is "OK"; except linkedlist_open() which returns a pointer which could be NULL if the system runs out of memory.

packagetarget_close() does implement the necessary NULL checks.

packagetarget *packagetarget_open()

packagetarget *target = (packagetarget*) malloc(sizeof(packagetarget));

if (!target) return NULL;

if (packagetarget_setname(target, ""))
goto disposer;
if (packagetarget_setsys(target, PACKAGETARGET_SYS))
goto disposer;
if (packagetarget_setarch(target, PACKAGETARGET_ARCH))
goto disposer;
if (packagetarget_setmin(target, PACKAGETARGET_MIN))
goto disposer;
if (packagetarget_setver(target, PACKAGETARGET_VER))
goto disposer;
if (packagetarget_setmax(target, PACKAGETARGET_MAX))
goto disposer;

linkedlist *comp = linkedlist_open();

if (!comp) goto disposer;

target->comp = comp;

return target;

return NULL;

Each setter function follows a simple pattern. Since each setter is identical, I will only put the code for packagetarget_setname.

int packagetarget_setname(packagetarget *target, char *name)

if (!target) return 1;

if (!name) return 2;

target->name = realloc(target->name, strlen(name) * sizeof(char));

if (!target->name) return 3;

strcpy(target->name, name);

return 0;

Here is the packagetarget_close function:

void packagetarget_close(packagetarget *target)

if (!target) return;

if (target->name) free(target->name);
if (target->sys) free(target->sys);
if (target->arch) free(target->arch);
if (target->min) free(target->min);
if (target->ver) free(target->ver);
if (target->min) free(target->min);
if (target->comp) linkedlist_close(target->comp);



linkedlist_open is a similar function to the packagetarget_open.

linkedlist *linkedlist_open()

linkedlist *list = (linkedlist*) malloc(sizeof(linkedlist));

if (!list) return NULL;

list->head = NULL;
list->length = 0;
list->remhook = NULL;

return list;

The one thing most of these functions is they may fail when the system runs out of memory. So I have implemented checks for each step.

share|improve this question

New contributor

utkumaden is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
Check out our Code of Conduct.


As many of you know goto is usually signs of code smell. However I thought this could be an appropriate case, and would like confirmation or criticism.

Unnecessary section such as the called functions were removed. Every non-standard function returns an int as status, 0 is "OK"; except linkedlist_open() which returns a pointer which could be NULL if the system runs out of memory.

packagetarget_close() does implement the necessary NULL checks.

packagetarget *packagetarget_open()

packagetarget *target = (packagetarget*) malloc(sizeof(packagetarget));

if (!target) return NULL;

if (packagetarget_setname(target, ""))
goto disposer;
if (packagetarget_setsys(target, PACKAGETARGET_SYS))
goto disposer;
if (packagetarget_setarch(target, PACKAGETARGET_ARCH))
goto disposer;
if (packagetarget_setmin(target, PACKAGETARGET_MIN))
goto disposer;
if (packagetarget_setver(target, PACKAGETARGET_VER))
goto disposer;
if (packagetarget_setmax(target, PACKAGETARGET_MAX))
goto disposer;

linkedlist *comp = linkedlist_open();

if (!comp) goto disposer;

target->comp = comp;

return target;

return NULL;

Each setter function follows a simple pattern. Since each setter is identical, I will only put the code for packagetarget_setname.

int packagetarget_setname(packagetarget *target, char *name)

if (!target) return 1;

if (!name) return 2;

target->name = realloc(target->name, strlen(name) * sizeof(char));

if (!target->name) return 3;

strcpy(target->name, name);

return 0;

Here is the packagetarget_close function:

void packagetarget_close(packagetarget *target)

if (!target) return;

if (target->name) free(target->name);
if (target->sys) free(target->sys);
if (target->arch) free(target->arch);
if (target->min) free(target->min);
if (target->ver) free(target->ver);
if (target->min) free(target->min);
if (target->comp) linkedlist_close(target->comp);



linkedlist_open is a similar function to the packagetarget_open.

linkedlist *linkedlist_open()

linkedlist *list = (linkedlist*) malloc(sizeof(linkedlist));

if (!list) return NULL;

list->head = NULL;
list->length = 0;
list->remhook = NULL;

return list;

The one thing most of these functions is they may fail when the system runs out of memory. So I have implemented checks for each step.

c error-handling memory-management constructor

share|improve this question

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utkumaden is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
Check out our Code of Conduct.

share|improve this question

New contributor

utkumaden is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
Check out our Code of Conduct.

share|improve this question

share|improve this question

edited 5 mins ago




New contributor

utkumaden is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
Check out our Code of Conduct.

asked 4 hours ago




New contributor

utkumaden is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
Check out our Code of Conduct.

New contributor

utkumaden is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
Check out our Code of Conduct.

utkumaden is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
Check out our Code of Conduct.

  • $begingroup$
    "However I thought this could be an appropriate case, and would like confirmation or criticism." Yet you've stripped the code out of all it's context so we can't determine whether you're right or not. The code you've provided looks like it should've been used in a wrapper, not with goto constructs. Please provide more code and an explanation of what it's supposed to do so we can see how this snippet is being used. Stack Overflow likes minimal examples, Code Review does absolutely not. Please take a look at our FAQ on asking questions.
    – Mast
    4 hours ago

  • $begingroup$
    Not all of the functions are written, yet. This function is a constructor for a struct named packagetarget. The idea is to allocate the struct in memory, and then call the setter methods for each field, which may fail. EDIT: If any step fails, the destructor function is called, once; and the function returns a null pointer.
    – utkumaden
    4 hours ago

  • $begingroup$
    If not all the functions are written, are you sure it works the way it should? And how can you be sure this is the right way to do it if you haven't completed the rest? It sounds like you're simply too early in the process got get this meaningfully reviewed and your question answered.
    – Mast
    4 hours ago

  • $begingroup$
    I have updated the question to include more code.
    – utkumaden
    3 hours ago

  • $begingroup$
    What is a constructor in C? I know what a constructor is in C++. Did you mean C++?
    – pacmaninbw
    3 hours ago

  • $begingroup$
    "However I thought this could be an appropriate case, and would like confirmation or criticism." Yet you've stripped the code out of all it's context so we can't determine whether you're right or not. The code you've provided looks like it should've been used in a wrapper, not with goto constructs. Please provide more code and an explanation of what it's supposed to do so we can see how this snippet is being used. Stack Overflow likes minimal examples, Code Review does absolutely not. Please take a look at our FAQ on asking questions.
    – Mast
    4 hours ago

  • $begingroup$
    Not all of the functions are written, yet. This function is a constructor for a struct named packagetarget. The idea is to allocate the struct in memory, and then call the setter methods for each field, which may fail. EDIT: If any step fails, the destructor function is called, once; and the function returns a null pointer.
    – utkumaden
    4 hours ago

  • $begingroup$
    If not all the functions are written, are you sure it works the way it should? And how can you be sure this is the right way to do it if you haven't completed the rest? It sounds like you're simply too early in the process got get this meaningfully reviewed and your question answered.
    – Mast
    4 hours ago

  • $begingroup$
    I have updated the question to include more code.
    – utkumaden
    3 hours ago

  • $begingroup$
    What is a constructor in C? I know what a constructor is in C++. Did you mean C++?
    – pacmaninbw
    3 hours ago

"However I thought this could be an appropriate case, and would like confirmation or criticism." Yet you've stripped the code out of all it's context so we can't determine whether you're right or not. The code you've provided looks like it should've been used in a wrapper, not with goto constructs. Please provide more code and an explanation of what it's supposed to do so we can see how this snippet is being used. Stack Overflow likes minimal examples, Code Review does absolutely not. Please take a look at our FAQ on asking questions.
– Mast
4 hours ago

"However I thought this could be an appropriate case, and would like confirmation or criticism." Yet you've stripped the code out of all it's context so we can't determine whether you're right or not. The code you've provided looks like it should've been used in a wrapper, not with goto constructs. Please provide more code and an explanation of what it's supposed to do so we can see how this snippet is being used. Stack Overflow likes minimal examples, Code Review does absolutely not. Please take a look at our FAQ on asking questions.
– Mast
4 hours ago

Not all of the functions are written, yet. This function is a constructor for a struct named packagetarget. The idea is to allocate the struct in memory, and then call the setter methods for each field, which may fail. EDIT: If any step fails, the destructor function is called, once; and the function returns a null pointer.
– utkumaden
4 hours ago

Not all of the functions are written, yet. This function is a constructor for a struct named packagetarget. The idea is to allocate the struct in memory, and then call the setter methods for each field, which may fail. EDIT: If any step fails, the destructor function is called, once; and the function returns a null pointer.
– utkumaden
4 hours ago

If not all the functions are written, are you sure it works the way it should? And how can you be sure this is the right way to do it if you haven't completed the rest? It sounds like you're simply too early in the process got get this meaningfully reviewed and your question answered.
– Mast
4 hours ago

If not all the functions are written, are you sure it works the way it should? And how can you be sure this is the right way to do it if you haven't completed the rest? It sounds like you're simply too early in the process got get this meaningfully reviewed and your question answered.
– Mast
4 hours ago

I have updated the question to include more code.
– utkumaden
3 hours ago

I have updated the question to include more code.
– utkumaden
3 hours ago

What is a constructor in C? I know what a constructor is in C++. Did you mean C++?
– pacmaninbw
3 hours ago

What is a constructor in C? I know what a constructor is in C++. Did you mean C++?
– pacmaninbw
3 hours ago





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