Is it okay for a cleric of life to use spells like Animate Dead and/or Contagion?Would a cleric's domain ever preclude them from casting a general cleric spell?Can a cleric of an evil god use healing spells?Designing Puzzles Requiring Halt Undead and Animate DeadCan clerics use spell scrolls for spells they receive through their Divine domains?How to implement Incremental Advancement in D&D 5th editionHow does the Cleric spell “Contagion” work?Taking 5th Edition D&D Spells into 4th Edition D&DAbsolute minimum for a D&D 5E DM to know?Are any material components apart from diamonds thematically linked with a specific type of spell?When does a target know it's under the effects of a charm/enchantment spell?Would a cleric's domain ever preclude them from casting a general cleric spell?Very generally, what is the difference between an Eldritch Knight and a Sorcerer with a dip into Fighter?
Is xar preinstalled on macOS? Why I don't get the wanted width of tcbox? Writing in a Christian voice Pre-Employment Background Check With Consent For Future Checks Could any one tell what PN is this Chip? Thanks~ PTIJ: Where did Achashverosh's years wander off to? Have the tides ever turned twice on any open problem? What is it called when someone votes for an option that's not their first choice? Does the Shadow Magic sorcerer's Eyes of the Dark feature work on all Darkness spells or just his/her own? How to read string as hex number in bash? Help with identifying unique aircraft over NE Pennsylvania PTIJ: Why do we make a Lulav holder? Why are there no stars visible in cislunar space? Can other pieces capture a threatening piece and prevent a checkmate? Weird lines in Microsoft Word Friend wants my recommendation but I don't want to give it to him Have any astronauts/cosmonauts died in space? Naïve RSA decryption in Python Sing...