
Showing posts from April 6, 2019

साउण्डेक्स बाहरी कड़ियाँ दिक्चालन सूचीबढ़ाने मेंसंभारतीय साउण्डेक्सThe Soundex Indexing SystemEastman's Online Genealogy Newslettervan der Harg - Geanealogie: SoundexIndic SoundexSoundexText::SoundexPHP soundex functionSimMetrics an open source (sourceforge) library of similarity metrics including a number of soundex variantsSoundex in C#Soundex in HaskellSoundex in JavaSoundex in JavaScriptSoundex in PythonSoundex in STATASoundex in PostgreSQLSoundexIndic Soundex's Source CodeSoundexRefined Soundex

लेख जिनमें सितम्बर 2011 से मृत कड़ियाँ हैंध्वन्यात्मक कलन विधियाँ कलन विधि यह लेख एक आधार है। जानकारी जोड़कर इसे बढ़ाने में विकिपीडिया की मदद करें। दे वा सं साउण्डेक्स (Soundex) एक ...

अल-कारियह वैकल्पिक नाम दिक्चालन सूची

सूरा सुरः अल क़ारिया सुरः अल क़ारिया मक्का में नाज़िल हुई। यह क़ुरान की 101 नंबर की सुर: हे, लेकिन नाज़िल होने के हिसाब से इसका नंबर 30 हे। अल क़ारिया का मतलब "आप...

The Two and the OneThe egocentric oneFood for thought, or otherwiseAnother riddle, two twinsThe answer is… What?Add two more and you'll have me - Clue ThirteenHELP! What's the password for my safe?A hex upon the one who proclaims my guilt!What is the name of this puzzle?A relaxing glass of ShirazWhat is the magic ball of every day?

What is the word for reserving something for yourself before others do? Service Entrance Breakers Rain Shield Is it important to consider tone, melody, and musical form while writing a song? Email Account under attack (really) - anything I can do? What does "Puller Prush Person" mean? Did Shadowfax go to Valinor? Is this a crack on the carbon frame? Languages that we cannot (dis)prove to be Context-Free Modeling an IPv4 Address Can I make popcorn with any corn? The Two and the One Is it unprofessional to ask if a job posting on GlassDoor is real? Smoothness of finite-dimensional functional calculus Python: next in for loop Show that if two triangles built on parallel lines, with equal bases have the same perimeter only if they are congruent. Font hinting is lost in Chrome-like browsers (for some languages ) Arthur Somervell: 1000 Exercises - Meaning of this notation How to test if a transaction is standard without spending real money? Theor...