Visual Basic For Applications | Array Functions - Insert Element | Remove ElementFunctional FrameworkRemove an element from an arrayTest for Array vs Range in my TEXTJOIN UDFExcel: displaying an array, works fast for one array, slow for anotherRetrieve, remove duplicates and total ingredients into arrayMapping one array onto another where columns from first array become rows in second arrayPerformance of generic VS non-generic method (array generating function)Vba to create a new column and insert array formulaVisual Basic For Applications - Array Functions - Push | Pop | Shift | UnshiftPublic Function to remove empty or “” elements from a single dimension array
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Visual Basic For Applications | Array Functions - Insert Element | Remove Element
Functional FrameworkRemove an element from an arrayTest for Array vs Range in my TEXTJOIN UDFExcel: displaying an array, works fast for one array, slow for anotherRetrieve, remove duplicates and total ingredients into arrayMapping one array onto another where columns from first array become rows in second arrayPerformance of generic VS non-generic method (array generating function)Vba to create a new column and insert array formulaVisual Basic For Applications - Array Functions - Push | Pop | Shift | UnshiftPublic Function to remove empty or “” elements from a single dimension array
An extension to array functions I am building for my snake game. This one allows you to remove / insert particular elements.
Private Declare PtrSafe Function VarPtrArray Lib "VBE7" Alias "VarPtr" _
(ByRef Var() As Any) As LongPtr
Private Declare PtrSafe Sub CopyMemoryI Lib "kernel32.dll" Alias "RtlMoveMemory" _
(ByVal dst As LongPtr, ByVal src As LongPtr, ByVal Length As Long)
Private Declare PtrSafe Sub CopyMemoryII Lib "kernel32.dll" Alias "RtlMoveMemory" _
(ByRef dst As SAFEARRAY, ByVal src As LongPtr, ByVal Length As Long)
cElements As Long
lLbound As Long
End Type
Private Type SAFEARRAY
cDims As Integer
fFeatures As Integer
cbElements As Long
cLocks As Long
pvData As LongPtr
rgsabound(0) As SAFEARRAY_BOUND
End Type
Private Type SnakePart
Column As Long
Row As Long
End Type
Private Function ArrayInsertElement(ByRef ArrayOriginal() As SnakePart, ByRef ElementToAdd As SnakePart, ByRef Position As Long) As SnakePart()
Dim NewLength As Long
Dim CopiedBytesFirstSection As Long
Dim CopiedBytesSecondSection As Long
NewLength = UBound(ArrayOriginal) + 1
ReDim ArrayInsertElement(NewLength)
CopiedBytesFirstSection = Position * SNAKEPART_BYTELENGTH
CopiedBytesSecondSection = (NewLength - Position) * SNAKEPART_BYTELENGTH
CopyMemoryI ArrayElementGetPointer(ArrayInsertElement, 0, SNAKEPART_BYTELENGTH), ArrayElementGetPointer(ArrayOriginal, 0, SNAKEPART_BYTELENGTH), CopiedBytesFirstSection
CopyMemoryI ArrayElementGetPointer(ArrayInsertElement, Position, SNAKEPART_BYTELENGTH), VarPtr(ElementToAdd), SNAKEPART_BYTELENGTH
CopyMemoryI ArrayElementGetPointer(ArrayInsertElement, Position + 1, SNAKEPART_BYTELENGTH), ArrayElementGetPointer(ArrayOriginal, Position, SNAKEPART_BYTELENGTH), CopiedBytesSecondSection
End Function
Private Function ArrayRemoveElement(ByRef ArrayOriginal() As SnakePart, ByRef Position As Long) As SnakePart()
Dim NewLength As Long
Dim CopiedBytesFirstSection As Long
Dim CopiedBytesSecondSection As Long
NewLength = UBound(ArrayOriginal) - 1
ReDim ArrayRemoveElement(NewLength)
CopiedBytesFirstSection = Position * SNAKEPART_BYTELENGTH
CopiedBytesSecondSection = (UBound(ArrayOriginal) - Position) * SNAKEPART_BYTELENGTH
CopyMemoryI ArrayElementGetPointer(ArrayRemoveElement, 0, SNAKEPART_BYTELENGTH), ArrayElementGetPointer(ArrayOriginal, 0, SNAKEPART_BYTELENGTH), CopiedBytesFirstSection
CopyMemoryI ArrayElementGetPointer(ArrayRemoveElement, Position, SNAKEPART_BYTELENGTH), ArrayElementGetPointer(ArrayOriginal, Position + 1, SNAKEPART_BYTELENGTH), CopiedBytesSecondSection
End Function
Private Function ArrayElementGetPointer(ByRef Arr() As SnakePart, ByVal ElementIndex As Long, ByVal ElementByteLength As Long) As LongPtr
Dim ptrToArrayVar As LongPtr
Dim ptrToSafeArray As LongPtr
Dim ptrToArrayData As LongPtr
Dim ptrCursor As LongPtr
' Get Pointer To Array *Variable*
ptrToArrayVar = VarPtrArray(Arr)
' Get Pointer To Array Variable *SAFEARRAY* By Directly Reading Array Variable
CopyMemoryI VarPtr(ptrToSafeArray), ptrToArrayVar, 8
' Read The SAFEARRAY Structure
CopyMemoryII uSAFEARRAY, ptrToSafeArray, LenB(uSAFEARRAY)
' Get Pointer To Array Data
ptrToArrayData = uSAFEARRAY.pvData
' Get Pointer To Array Element
ptrCursor = ptrToArrayData + (ElementIndex * ElementByteLength)
ArrayElementGetPointer = ptrCursor
End Function
Private Sub ArrayInsertElementTest()
Dim x(3) As SnakePart
Dim sp As SnakePart
sp.Column = 1
sp.Row = 1
x(0) = sp
x(1) = sp
x(2) = sp
x(3) = sp
Debug.Print x(0).Column = 1
Debug.Print x(1).Column = 1
Debug.Print x(2).Column = 1
Debug.Print x(3).Column = 1
Debug.Print "_______________________"
Dim temparry() As SnakePart
temparry = x
sp.Column = 2
sp.Row = 2
temparry = ArrayInsertElement(temparry, sp, 2)
Debug.Print temparry(0).Column = 1
Debug.Print temparry(1).Column = 1
Debug.Print temparry(2).Column = 2
Debug.Print temparry(3).Column = 1
Debug.Print temparry(4).Column = 1
Debug.Print "_______________________"
sp.Column = 4
sp.Row = 4
temparry = ArrayInsertElement(temparry, sp, 4)
Debug.Print temparry(0).Column = 1
Debug.Print temparry(1).Column = 1
Debug.Print temparry(2).Column = 2
Debug.Print temparry(3).Column = 1
Debug.Print temparry(4).Column = 4
Debug.Print temparry(5).Column = 1
Debug.Print "_______________________"
sp.Column = 0
sp.Row = 0
temparry = ArrayInsertElement(temparry, sp, 0)
Debug.Print temparry(0).Column = 0
Debug.Print temparry(1).Column = 1
Debug.Print temparry(2).Column = 1
Debug.Print temparry(3).Column = 2
Debug.Print temparry(4).Column = 1
Debug.Print temparry(5).Column = 4
Debug.Print temparry(6).Column = 1
Debug.Print "_______________________"
End Sub
Private Sub ArrayRemoveElementTest()
Dim x(5) As SnakePart
Dim sp As SnakePart
sp.Column = 0
sp.Row = 0
x(0) = sp
sp.Column = 1
sp.Row = 1
x(1) = sp
sp.Column = 2
sp.Row = 2
x(2) = sp
sp.Column = 3
sp.Row = 3
x(3) = sp
sp.Column = 4
sp.Row = 4
x(4) = sp
sp.Column = 5
sp.Row = 5
x(5) = sp
Debug.Print x(0).Column = 0
Debug.Print x(1).Column = 1
Debug.Print x(2).Column = 2
Debug.Print x(3).Column = 3
Debug.Print x(4).Column = 4
Debug.Print x(5).Column = 5
Debug.Print "_______________________"
Dim temparry() As SnakePart
temparry = x
temparry = ArrayRemoveElement(temparry, 4)
Debug.Print temparry(0).Column = 0
Debug.Print temparry(1).Column = 1
Debug.Print temparry(2).Column = 2
Debug.Print temparry(3).Column = 3
Debug.Print temparry(4).Column = 5
Debug.Print "_______________________"
temparry = ArrayRemoveElement(temparry, 2)
Debug.Print temparry(0).Column = 0
Debug.Print temparry(1).Column = 1
Debug.Print temparry(2).Column = 3
Debug.Print temparry(3).Column = 5
Debug.Print "_______________________"
temparry = ArrayRemoveElement(temparry, 1)
Debug.Print temparry(0).Column = 0
Debug.Print temparry(1).Column = 3
Debug.Print temparry(2).Column = 5
Debug.Print "_______________________"
temparry = ArrayRemoveElement(temparry, 0)
Debug.Print temparry(0).Column = 3
Debug.Print temparry(1).Column = 5
Debug.Print "_______________________"
End Sub
performance vba excel winapi
add a comment |
An extension to array functions I am building for my snake game. This one allows you to remove / insert particular elements.
Private Declare PtrSafe Function VarPtrArray Lib "VBE7" Alias "VarPtr" _
(ByRef Var() As Any) As LongPtr
Private Declare PtrSafe Sub CopyMemoryI Lib "kernel32.dll" Alias "RtlMoveMemory" _
(ByVal dst As LongPtr, ByVal src As LongPtr, ByVal Length As Long)
Private Declare PtrSafe Sub CopyMemoryII Lib "kernel32.dll" Alias "RtlMoveMemory" _
(ByRef dst As SAFEARRAY, ByVal src As LongPtr, ByVal Length As Long)
cElements As Long
lLbound As Long
End Type
Private Type SAFEARRAY
cDims As Integer
fFeatures As Integer
cbElements As Long
cLocks As Long
pvData As LongPtr
rgsabound(0) As SAFEARRAY_BOUND
End Type
Private Type SnakePart
Column As Long
Row As Long
End Type
Private Function ArrayInsertElement(ByRef ArrayOriginal() As SnakePart, ByRef ElementToAdd As SnakePart, ByRef Position As Long) As SnakePart()
Dim NewLength As Long
Dim CopiedBytesFirstSection As Long
Dim CopiedBytesSecondSection As Long
NewLength = UBound(ArrayOriginal) + 1
ReDim ArrayInsertElement(NewLength)
CopiedBytesFirstSection = Position * SNAKEPART_BYTELENGTH
CopiedBytesSecondSection = (NewLength - Position) * SNAKEPART_BYTELENGTH
CopyMemoryI ArrayElementGetPointer(ArrayInsertElement, 0, SNAKEPART_BYTELENGTH), ArrayElementGetPointer(ArrayOriginal, 0, SNAKEPART_BYTELENGTH), CopiedBytesFirstSection
CopyMemoryI ArrayElementGetPointer(ArrayInsertElement, Position, SNAKEPART_BYTELENGTH), VarPtr(ElementToAdd), SNAKEPART_BYTELENGTH
CopyMemoryI ArrayElementGetPointer(ArrayInsertElement, Position + 1, SNAKEPART_BYTELENGTH), ArrayElementGetPointer(ArrayOriginal, Position, SNAKEPART_BYTELENGTH), CopiedBytesSecondSection
End Function
Private Function ArrayRemoveElement(ByRef ArrayOriginal() As SnakePart, ByRef Position As Long) As SnakePart()
Dim NewLength As Long
Dim CopiedBytesFirstSection As Long
Dim CopiedBytesSecondSection As Long
NewLength = UBound(ArrayOriginal) - 1
ReDim ArrayRemoveElement(NewLength)
CopiedBytesFirstSection = Position * SNAKEPART_BYTELENGTH
CopiedBytesSecondSection = (UBound(ArrayOriginal) - Position) * SNAKEPART_BYTELENGTH
CopyMemoryI ArrayElementGetPointer(ArrayRemoveElement, 0, SNAKEPART_BYTELENGTH), ArrayElementGetPointer(ArrayOriginal, 0, SNAKEPART_BYTELENGTH), CopiedBytesFirstSection
CopyMemoryI ArrayElementGetPointer(ArrayRemoveElement, Position, SNAKEPART_BYTELENGTH), ArrayElementGetPointer(ArrayOriginal, Position + 1, SNAKEPART_BYTELENGTH), CopiedBytesSecondSection
End Function
Private Function ArrayElementGetPointer(ByRef Arr() As SnakePart, ByVal ElementIndex As Long, ByVal ElementByteLength As Long) As LongPtr
Dim ptrToArrayVar As LongPtr
Dim ptrToSafeArray As LongPtr
Dim ptrToArrayData As LongPtr
Dim ptrCursor As LongPtr
' Get Pointer To Array *Variable*
ptrToArrayVar = VarPtrArray(Arr)
' Get Pointer To Array Variable *SAFEARRAY* By Directly Reading Array Variable
CopyMemoryI VarPtr(ptrToSafeArray), ptrToArrayVar, 8
' Read The SAFEARRAY Structure
CopyMemoryII uSAFEARRAY, ptrToSafeArray, LenB(uSAFEARRAY)
' Get Pointer To Array Data
ptrToArrayData = uSAFEARRAY.pvData
' Get Pointer To Array Element
ptrCursor = ptrToArrayData + (ElementIndex * ElementByteLength)
ArrayElementGetPointer = ptrCursor
End Function
Private Sub ArrayInsertElementTest()
Dim x(3) As SnakePart
Dim sp As SnakePart
sp.Column = 1
sp.Row = 1
x(0) = sp
x(1) = sp
x(2) = sp
x(3) = sp
Debug.Print x(0).Column = 1
Debug.Print x(1).Column = 1
Debug.Print x(2).Column = 1
Debug.Print x(3).Column = 1
Debug.Print "_______________________"
Dim temparry() As SnakePart
temparry = x
sp.Column = 2
sp.Row = 2
temparry = ArrayInsertElement(temparry, sp, 2)
Debug.Print temparry(0).Column = 1
Debug.Print temparry(1).Column = 1
Debug.Print temparry(2).Column = 2
Debug.Print temparry(3).Column = 1
Debug.Print temparry(4).Column = 1
Debug.Print "_______________________"
sp.Column = 4
sp.Row = 4
temparry = ArrayInsertElement(temparry, sp, 4)
Debug.Print temparry(0).Column = 1
Debug.Print temparry(1).Column = 1
Debug.Print temparry(2).Column = 2
Debug.Print temparry(3).Column = 1
Debug.Print temparry(4).Column = 4
Debug.Print temparry(5).Column = 1
Debug.Print "_______________________"
sp.Column = 0
sp.Row = 0
temparry = ArrayInsertElement(temparry, sp, 0)
Debug.Print temparry(0).Column = 0
Debug.Print temparry(1).Column = 1
Debug.Print temparry(2).Column = 1
Debug.Print temparry(3).Column = 2
Debug.Print temparry(4).Column = 1
Debug.Print temparry(5).Column = 4
Debug.Print temparry(6).Column = 1
Debug.Print "_______________________"
End Sub
Private Sub ArrayRemoveElementTest()
Dim x(5) As SnakePart
Dim sp As SnakePart
sp.Column = 0
sp.Row = 0
x(0) = sp
sp.Column = 1
sp.Row = 1
x(1) = sp
sp.Column = 2
sp.Row = 2
x(2) = sp
sp.Column = 3
sp.Row = 3
x(3) = sp
sp.Column = 4
sp.Row = 4
x(4) = sp
sp.Column = 5
sp.Row = 5
x(5) = sp
Debug.Print x(0).Column = 0
Debug.Print x(1).Column = 1
Debug.Print x(2).Column = 2
Debug.Print x(3).Column = 3
Debug.Print x(4).Column = 4
Debug.Print x(5).Column = 5
Debug.Print "_______________________"
Dim temparry() As SnakePart
temparry = x
temparry = ArrayRemoveElement(temparry, 4)
Debug.Print temparry(0).Column = 0
Debug.Print temparry(1).Column = 1
Debug.Print temparry(2).Column = 2
Debug.Print temparry(3).Column = 3
Debug.Print temparry(4).Column = 5
Debug.Print "_______________________"
temparry = ArrayRemoveElement(temparry, 2)
Debug.Print temparry(0).Column = 0
Debug.Print temparry(1).Column = 1
Debug.Print temparry(2).Column = 3
Debug.Print temparry(3).Column = 5
Debug.Print "_______________________"
temparry = ArrayRemoveElement(temparry, 1)
Debug.Print temparry(0).Column = 0
Debug.Print temparry(1).Column = 3
Debug.Print temparry(2).Column = 5
Debug.Print "_______________________"
temparry = ArrayRemoveElement(temparry, 0)
Debug.Print temparry(0).Column = 3
Debug.Print temparry(1).Column = 5
Debug.Print "_______________________"
End Sub
performance vba excel winapi
add a comment |
An extension to array functions I am building for my snake game. This one allows you to remove / insert particular elements.
Private Declare PtrSafe Function VarPtrArray Lib "VBE7" Alias "VarPtr" _
(ByRef Var() As Any) As LongPtr
Private Declare PtrSafe Sub CopyMemoryI Lib "kernel32.dll" Alias "RtlMoveMemory" _
(ByVal dst As LongPtr, ByVal src As LongPtr, ByVal Length As Long)
Private Declare PtrSafe Sub CopyMemoryII Lib "kernel32.dll" Alias "RtlMoveMemory" _
(ByRef dst As SAFEARRAY, ByVal src As LongPtr, ByVal Length As Long)
cElements As Long
lLbound As Long
End Type
Private Type SAFEARRAY
cDims As Integer
fFeatures As Integer
cbElements As Long
cLocks As Long
pvData As LongPtr
rgsabound(0) As SAFEARRAY_BOUND
End Type
Private Type SnakePart
Column As Long
Row As Long
End Type
Private Function ArrayInsertElement(ByRef ArrayOriginal() As SnakePart, ByRef ElementToAdd As SnakePart, ByRef Position As Long) As SnakePart()
Dim NewLength As Long
Dim CopiedBytesFirstSection As Long
Dim CopiedBytesSecondSection As Long
NewLength = UBound(ArrayOriginal) + 1
ReDim ArrayInsertElement(NewLength)
CopiedBytesFirstSection = Position * SNAKEPART_BYTELENGTH
CopiedBytesSecondSection = (NewLength - Position) * SNAKEPART_BYTELENGTH
CopyMemoryI ArrayElementGetPointer(ArrayInsertElement, 0, SNAKEPART_BYTELENGTH), ArrayElementGetPointer(ArrayOriginal, 0, SNAKEPART_BYTELENGTH), CopiedBytesFirstSection
CopyMemoryI ArrayElementGetPointer(ArrayInsertElement, Position, SNAKEPART_BYTELENGTH), VarPtr(ElementToAdd), SNAKEPART_BYTELENGTH
CopyMemoryI ArrayElementGetPointer(ArrayInsertElement, Position + 1, SNAKEPART_BYTELENGTH), ArrayElementGetPointer(ArrayOriginal, Position, SNAKEPART_BYTELENGTH), CopiedBytesSecondSection
End Function
Private Function ArrayRemoveElement(ByRef ArrayOriginal() As SnakePart, ByRef Position As Long) As SnakePart()
Dim NewLength As Long
Dim CopiedBytesFirstSection As Long
Dim CopiedBytesSecondSection As Long
NewLength = UBound(ArrayOriginal) - 1
ReDim ArrayRemoveElement(NewLength)
CopiedBytesFirstSection = Position * SNAKEPART_BYTELENGTH
CopiedBytesSecondSection = (UBound(ArrayOriginal) - Position) * SNAKEPART_BYTELENGTH
CopyMemoryI ArrayElementGetPointer(ArrayRemoveElement, 0, SNAKEPART_BYTELENGTH), ArrayElementGetPointer(ArrayOriginal, 0, SNAKEPART_BYTELENGTH), CopiedBytesFirstSection
CopyMemoryI ArrayElementGetPointer(ArrayRemoveElement, Position, SNAKEPART_BYTELENGTH), ArrayElementGetPointer(ArrayOriginal, Position + 1, SNAKEPART_BYTELENGTH), CopiedBytesSecondSection
End Function
Private Function ArrayElementGetPointer(ByRef Arr() As SnakePart, ByVal ElementIndex As Long, ByVal ElementByteLength As Long) As LongPtr
Dim ptrToArrayVar As LongPtr
Dim ptrToSafeArray As LongPtr
Dim ptrToArrayData As LongPtr
Dim ptrCursor As LongPtr
' Get Pointer To Array *Variable*
ptrToArrayVar = VarPtrArray(Arr)
' Get Pointer To Array Variable *SAFEARRAY* By Directly Reading Array Variable
CopyMemoryI VarPtr(ptrToSafeArray), ptrToArrayVar, 8
' Read The SAFEARRAY Structure
CopyMemoryII uSAFEARRAY, ptrToSafeArray, LenB(uSAFEARRAY)
' Get Pointer To Array Data
ptrToArrayData = uSAFEARRAY.pvData
' Get Pointer To Array Element
ptrCursor = ptrToArrayData + (ElementIndex * ElementByteLength)
ArrayElementGetPointer = ptrCursor
End Function
Private Sub ArrayInsertElementTest()
Dim x(3) As SnakePart
Dim sp As SnakePart
sp.Column = 1
sp.Row = 1
x(0) = sp
x(1) = sp
x(2) = sp
x(3) = sp
Debug.Print x(0).Column = 1
Debug.Print x(1).Column = 1
Debug.Print x(2).Column = 1
Debug.Print x(3).Column = 1
Debug.Print "_______________________"
Dim temparry() As SnakePart
temparry = x
sp.Column = 2
sp.Row = 2
temparry = ArrayInsertElement(temparry, sp, 2)
Debug.Print temparry(0).Column = 1
Debug.Print temparry(1).Column = 1
Debug.Print temparry(2).Column = 2
Debug.Print temparry(3).Column = 1
Debug.Print temparry(4).Column = 1
Debug.Print "_______________________"
sp.Column = 4
sp.Row = 4
temparry = ArrayInsertElement(temparry, sp, 4)
Debug.Print temparry(0).Column = 1
Debug.Print temparry(1).Column = 1
Debug.Print temparry(2).Column = 2
Debug.Print temparry(3).Column = 1
Debug.Print temparry(4).Column = 4
Debug.Print temparry(5).Column = 1
Debug.Print "_______________________"
sp.Column = 0
sp.Row = 0
temparry = ArrayInsertElement(temparry, sp, 0)
Debug.Print temparry(0).Column = 0
Debug.Print temparry(1).Column = 1
Debug.Print temparry(2).Column = 1
Debug.Print temparry(3).Column = 2
Debug.Print temparry(4).Column = 1
Debug.Print temparry(5).Column = 4
Debug.Print temparry(6).Column = 1
Debug.Print "_______________________"
End Sub
Private Sub ArrayRemoveElementTest()
Dim x(5) As SnakePart
Dim sp As SnakePart
sp.Column = 0
sp.Row = 0
x(0) = sp
sp.Column = 1
sp.Row = 1
x(1) = sp
sp.Column = 2
sp.Row = 2
x(2) = sp
sp.Column = 3
sp.Row = 3
x(3) = sp
sp.Column = 4
sp.Row = 4
x(4) = sp
sp.Column = 5
sp.Row = 5
x(5) = sp
Debug.Print x(0).Column = 0
Debug.Print x(1).Column = 1
Debug.Print x(2).Column = 2
Debug.Print x(3).Column = 3
Debug.Print x(4).Column = 4
Debug.Print x(5).Column = 5
Debug.Print "_______________________"
Dim temparry() As SnakePart
temparry = x
temparry = ArrayRemoveElement(temparry, 4)
Debug.Print temparry(0).Column = 0
Debug.Print temparry(1).Column = 1
Debug.Print temparry(2).Column = 2
Debug.Print temparry(3).Column = 3
Debug.Print temparry(4).Column = 5
Debug.Print "_______________________"
temparry = ArrayRemoveElement(temparry, 2)
Debug.Print temparry(0).Column = 0
Debug.Print temparry(1).Column = 1
Debug.Print temparry(2).Column = 3
Debug.Print temparry(3).Column = 5
Debug.Print "_______________________"
temparry = ArrayRemoveElement(temparry, 1)
Debug.Print temparry(0).Column = 0
Debug.Print temparry(1).Column = 3
Debug.Print temparry(2).Column = 5
Debug.Print "_______________________"
temparry = ArrayRemoveElement(temparry, 0)
Debug.Print temparry(0).Column = 3
Debug.Print temparry(1).Column = 5
Debug.Print "_______________________"
End Sub
performance vba excel winapi
An extension to array functions I am building for my snake game. This one allows you to remove / insert particular elements.
Private Declare PtrSafe Function VarPtrArray Lib "VBE7" Alias "VarPtr" _
(ByRef Var() As Any) As LongPtr
Private Declare PtrSafe Sub CopyMemoryI Lib "kernel32.dll" Alias "RtlMoveMemory" _
(ByVal dst As LongPtr, ByVal src As LongPtr, ByVal Length As Long)
Private Declare PtrSafe Sub CopyMemoryII Lib "kernel32.dll" Alias "RtlMoveMemory" _
(ByRef dst As SAFEARRAY, ByVal src As LongPtr, ByVal Length As Long)
cElements As Long
lLbound As Long
End Type
Private Type SAFEARRAY
cDims As Integer
fFeatures As Integer
cbElements As Long
cLocks As Long
pvData As LongPtr
rgsabound(0) As SAFEARRAY_BOUND
End Type
Private Type SnakePart
Column As Long
Row As Long
End Type
Private Function ArrayInsertElement(ByRef ArrayOriginal() As SnakePart, ByRef ElementToAdd As SnakePart, ByRef Position As Long) As SnakePart()
Dim NewLength As Long
Dim CopiedBytesFirstSection As Long
Dim CopiedBytesSecondSection As Long
NewLength = UBound(ArrayOriginal) + 1
ReDim ArrayInsertElement(NewLength)
CopiedBytesFirstSection = Position * SNAKEPART_BYTELENGTH
CopiedBytesSecondSection = (NewLength - Position) * SNAKEPART_BYTELENGTH
CopyMemoryI ArrayElementGetPointer(ArrayInsertElement, 0, SNAKEPART_BYTELENGTH), ArrayElementGetPointer(ArrayOriginal, 0, SNAKEPART_BYTELENGTH), CopiedBytesFirstSection
CopyMemoryI ArrayElementGetPointer(ArrayInsertElement, Position, SNAKEPART_BYTELENGTH), VarPtr(ElementToAdd), SNAKEPART_BYTELENGTH
CopyMemoryI ArrayElementGetPointer(ArrayInsertElement, Position + 1, SNAKEPART_BYTELENGTH), ArrayElementGetPointer(ArrayOriginal, Position, SNAKEPART_BYTELENGTH), CopiedBytesSecondSection
End Function
Private Function ArrayRemoveElement(ByRef ArrayOriginal() As SnakePart, ByRef Position As Long) As SnakePart()
Dim NewLength As Long
Dim CopiedBytesFirstSection As Long
Dim CopiedBytesSecondSection As Long
NewLength = UBound(ArrayOriginal) - 1
ReDim ArrayRemoveElement(NewLength)
CopiedBytesFirstSection = Position * SNAKEPART_BYTELENGTH
CopiedBytesSecondSection = (UBound(ArrayOriginal) - Position) * SNAKEPART_BYTELENGTH
CopyMemoryI ArrayElementGetPointer(ArrayRemoveElement, 0, SNAKEPART_BYTELENGTH), ArrayElementGetPointer(ArrayOriginal, 0, SNAKEPART_BYTELENGTH), CopiedBytesFirstSection
CopyMemoryI ArrayElementGetPointer(ArrayRemoveElement, Position, SNAKEPART_BYTELENGTH), ArrayElementGetPointer(ArrayOriginal, Position + 1, SNAKEPART_BYTELENGTH), CopiedBytesSecondSection
End Function
Private Function ArrayElementGetPointer(ByRef Arr() As SnakePart, ByVal ElementIndex As Long, ByVal ElementByteLength As Long) As LongPtr
Dim ptrToArrayVar As LongPtr
Dim ptrToSafeArray As LongPtr
Dim ptrToArrayData As LongPtr
Dim ptrCursor As LongPtr
' Get Pointer To Array *Variable*
ptrToArrayVar = VarPtrArray(Arr)
' Get Pointer To Array Variable *SAFEARRAY* By Directly Reading Array Variable
CopyMemoryI VarPtr(ptrToSafeArray), ptrToArrayVar, 8
' Read The SAFEARRAY Structure
CopyMemoryII uSAFEARRAY, ptrToSafeArray, LenB(uSAFEARRAY)
' Get Pointer To Array Data
ptrToArrayData = uSAFEARRAY.pvData
' Get Pointer To Array Element
ptrCursor = ptrToArrayData + (ElementIndex * ElementByteLength)
ArrayElementGetPointer = ptrCursor
End Function
Private Sub ArrayInsertElementTest()
Dim x(3) As SnakePart
Dim sp As SnakePart
sp.Column = 1
sp.Row = 1
x(0) = sp
x(1) = sp
x(2) = sp
x(3) = sp
Debug.Print x(0).Column = 1
Debug.Print x(1).Column = 1
Debug.Print x(2).Column = 1
Debug.Print x(3).Column = 1
Debug.Print "_______________________"
Dim temparry() As SnakePart
temparry = x
sp.Column = 2
sp.Row = 2
temparry = ArrayInsertElement(temparry, sp, 2)
Debug.Print temparry(0).Column = 1
Debug.Print temparry(1).Column = 1
Debug.Print temparry(2).Column = 2
Debug.Print temparry(3).Column = 1
Debug.Print temparry(4).Column = 1
Debug.Print "_______________________"
sp.Column = 4
sp.Row = 4
temparry = ArrayInsertElement(temparry, sp, 4)
Debug.Print temparry(0).Column = 1
Debug.Print temparry(1).Column = 1
Debug.Print temparry(2).Column = 2
Debug.Print temparry(3).Column = 1
Debug.Print temparry(4).Column = 4
Debug.Print temparry(5).Column = 1
Debug.Print "_______________________"
sp.Column = 0
sp.Row = 0
temparry = ArrayInsertElement(temparry, sp, 0)
Debug.Print temparry(0).Column = 0
Debug.Print temparry(1).Column = 1
Debug.Print temparry(2).Column = 1
Debug.Print temparry(3).Column = 2
Debug.Print temparry(4).Column = 1
Debug.Print temparry(5).Column = 4
Debug.Print temparry(6).Column = 1
Debug.Print "_______________________"
End Sub
Private Sub ArrayRemoveElementTest()
Dim x(5) As SnakePart
Dim sp As SnakePart
sp.Column = 0
sp.Row = 0
x(0) = sp
sp.Column = 1
sp.Row = 1
x(1) = sp
sp.Column = 2
sp.Row = 2
x(2) = sp
sp.Column = 3
sp.Row = 3
x(3) = sp
sp.Column = 4
sp.Row = 4
x(4) = sp
sp.Column = 5
sp.Row = 5
x(5) = sp
Debug.Print x(0).Column = 0
Debug.Print x(1).Column = 1
Debug.Print x(2).Column = 2
Debug.Print x(3).Column = 3
Debug.Print x(4).Column = 4
Debug.Print x(5).Column = 5
Debug.Print "_______________________"
Dim temparry() As SnakePart
temparry = x
temparry = ArrayRemoveElement(temparry, 4)
Debug.Print temparry(0).Column = 0
Debug.Print temparry(1).Column = 1
Debug.Print temparry(2).Column = 2
Debug.Print temparry(3).Column = 3
Debug.Print temparry(4).Column = 5
Debug.Print "_______________________"
temparry = ArrayRemoveElement(temparry, 2)
Debug.Print temparry(0).Column = 0
Debug.Print temparry(1).Column = 1
Debug.Print temparry(2).Column = 3
Debug.Print temparry(3).Column = 5
Debug.Print "_______________________"
temparry = ArrayRemoveElement(temparry, 1)
Debug.Print temparry(0).Column = 0
Debug.Print temparry(1).Column = 3
Debug.Print temparry(2).Column = 5
Debug.Print "_______________________"
temparry = ArrayRemoveElement(temparry, 0)
Debug.Print temparry(0).Column = 3
Debug.Print temparry(1).Column = 5
Debug.Print "_______________________"
End Sub
performance vba excel winapi
performance vba excel winapi
asked 5 mins ago
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