TDD test class for ViewModel classMocking the class under test with private method callsMock/unit test for this IRepositoryService method/classREST Web Api unit test endpoint validity with NUnit and MoqReturning a viewmodelMultiple Services and Test SetupUnit testing - test class inheritance vs single test classA reusable Previous/Next Contact Collection ViewModel classUnit test with Moq callback anonymous functionClass to make Web Service callsAccessing View from ViewModel

Biological Blimps: Propulsion

Is the U.S. Code copyrighted by the Government?

How do you respond to a colleague from another team when they're wrongly expecting that you'll help them?

Why Shazam when there is already Superman?

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On a tidally locked planet, would time be quantized?

If a character has darkvision, can they see through an area of nonmagical darkness filled with lightly obscuring gas?

How do I find all files that end with a dot

Non-trope happy ending?

Why electric field inside a cavity of a non-conducting sphere not zero?

Aragorn's "guise" in the Orthanc Stone

Fear of getting stuck on one programming language / technology that is not used in my country

What are the purposes of autoencoders?

Lowest total scrabble score

Why did the Mercure fail?

"Spoil" vs "Ruin"

Energy measurement from position eigenstate

Creature in Shazam mid-credits scene?

Loading commands from file

What should you do if you miss a job interview (deliberately)?

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copy and scale one figure (wheel)

Pre-mixing cryogenic fuels and using only one fuel tank

Melting point of aspirin, contradicting sources

TDD test class for ViewModel class

Mocking the class under test with private method callsMock/unit test for this IRepositoryService method/classREST Web Api unit test endpoint validity with NUnit and MoqReturning a viewmodelMultiple Services and Test SetupUnit testing - test class inheritance vs single test classA reusable Previous/Next Contact Collection ViewModel classUnit test with Moq callback anonymous functionClass to make Web Service callsAccessing View from ViewModel



I am currently writing my first TDD application. The project is in Xamarin.Forms and tested in xUnit.

I am wondering if maybe more experienced developers will have any comments or suggestions regarding the code or architecture, before I will continue with next View Models, to avoid corrections.

I am using also Autofac and Moq.

Test class:

public class MainPageViewModelTests

List<Phrase> phrases;
private MainPageViewModel _viewModel;
private Mock<IPhraseEditViewModel> _phraseEditViewModelMock;
private Mock<IMainDataProvider> _mainDataProviderMock;
public MainPageViewModelTests()

private IPhraseEditViewModel CreatePhraseEditViewModel() //method for creating PhraseEditVM

var phraseEditViewModelMock = new Mock<IPhraseEditViewModel>();
phraseEditViewModelMock.Setup(vm => vm.LoadPhrase(It.IsAny<int>()))
.Callback<int?>(phraseId =>

phraseEditViewModelMock.Setup(vm => vm.Phrase)
.Returns(new Phrase());
_phraseEditViewModelMock = phraseEditViewModelMock; //field = var(!!)
return phraseEditViewModelMock.Object;

public void LoadGroups_ShouldLoadOnce_True()

_viewModel.LoadGroups(); //loads groups twice

Assert.Equal(3, _viewModel.Groups.Count); //counts how many groups are loaded

public void LoadGroups_ShouldLoad_True()

_viewModel.LoadGroups(); //loads collection of groups (from setup)
Assert.Equal(3, _viewModel.Groups.Count); //counts groups
var phrase = _viewModel.Groups[0];
Assert.Equal("Group #1", phrase); //compares group name

public void AddPhrase_ShouldBeExecuted_True()

_viewModel.PhraseEdit = false; //set up PhraseEdit prop
_viewModel.AddPhraseCommand.Execute(null); // executes command
Assert.True(_viewModel.PhraseEdit); //verifies PhraseEdit prop
_phraseEditViewModelMock.Verify(vm => vm.LoadPhrase(null), Times.Once); //counts loaded phrases

public void LoadFromFile_ShouldConvertReturnedCorrectFormatString_ReturnsPhraseList()

_viewModel.LoadFromFile("goodData.csv"); //loads phrases from the file
Assert.Equal(2, _viewModel.LoadedPhrases.Count); //counts loaded phrases from the file
var phrase = _viewModel.LoadedPhrases[0];
Assert.NotNull(phrase); //checks if phrase is not null, below compares props
Assert.Equal("name1", phrase.Name);
Assert.Equal("def1", phrase.Definition);
Assert.Equal("cat1", phrase.Category);
Assert.Equal("gr1", phrase.Group);
Assert.Equal("prio1", phrase.Priority);

public void PopulateDb_ShouldSeedDbWithPhrases_CallsDpSavePhrase()

_viewModel.LoadedPhrases = phrases; //populates collection
_viewModel.PopulateDb(_viewModel.LoadedPhrases); //populates Db with phase list - 1 item
_mainDataProviderMock.Verify(dp => dp.SavePhrase(It.IsAny<Phrase>()), Times.Once); //counts saved phrases

public void LoadFile_ShouldBeExecuted_CallsOnLoadFileExecute()

_viewModel.LoadFile.Execute(null); //execute command
Assert.Equal(2, _viewModel.LoadedPhrases.Count()); //counts loaded phrases from the file
Assert.Equal(3, _viewModel.Groups.Count); //counts loaded groups
_mainDataProviderMock.Verify(dp => dp.SavePhrase(It.IsAny<Phrase>()), Times.AtLeast(2)); //counts saved phrases

public void PopulateDb_ShouldSeedDbOnce_True()

_viewModel.LoadedPhrases = phrases; //populates collection
_viewModel.PopulateDb(_viewModel.LoadedPhrases); //seeds Db twice
_mainDataProviderMock.Verify(dp => dp.SavePhrase(It.IsAny<Phrase>()), Times.Once); //should seed only once

public void LoadFromFile_WithFilePathParameterIsNull_ReturnsEmptyCollection()

List<Phrase> expected = new List<Phrase>();
expected.Clear(); //expectations
List<Phrase> method = _viewModel.LoadFromFile("");//loads phrases from the file with empty path parameter
_viewModel.LoadFromFile(""); //loads phrases from the file with empty path string
Assert.Empty(_viewModel.LoadedPhrases); // check if LoadedPhrases is empty
Assert.Equal(expected, method); //compare expectations with method returns

public void PopulateDb_GetsEmptyCollectionParameter_DoesNothing()

_viewModel.LoadedPhrases.Clear(); //collection is empty
_viewModel.PopulateDb(_viewModel.LoadedPhrases); //PopulateDb with empty collection
_mainDataProviderMock.Verify(dp => dp.SavePhrase(It.IsAny<Phrase>()), Times.Never); //with empty collection SavePhrase runs never

public void LoadFromFile_GetsPathToEmptyFile_ReturnsEmptyCollection()

List<Phrase> expected = new List<Phrase>();
expected.Clear(); //expectations
List<Phrase> method = _viewModel.LoadFromFile("emptyData.csv"); //loads phrases from the file with empty content
Assert.Empty(_viewModel.LoadedPhrases); // check if LoadedPhrases is empty
Assert.Equal(expected, method); //compare expectations with method returns

//zły format pliku

Tested View Model class:

public interface IMainPageViewModel

void LoadGroups();

public class MainPageViewModel : ViewModelBase, IMainPageViewModel

List<Phrase> oldPhrases = new List<Phrase>(); //verification for PopulateDb method;
private Func<IPhraseEditViewModel> _phraseEditVmCreator;
private IMainDataProvider _dataProvider;
public string FileLocation get; set;
public ObservableCollection<string> Groups get; set;
public List<Phrase> LoadedPhrases get; set;
public bool PhraseEdit get; set;
public IPhraseEditViewModel SelectedPhraseEditViewModel get; set;
public MainPageViewModel(IMainDataProvider dataProvider,
Func<IPhraseEditViewModel> phraseditVmCreator) //ctor

_dataProvider = dataProvider;
_phraseEditVmCreator = phraseditVmCreator;
Groups = new ObservableCollection<string>();
LoadedPhrases = new List<Phrase>();
//commands tests
AddPhraseCommand = new DelegateCommand(OnNewPhraseExecute);
LoadFile = new DelegateCommand(OnLoadFileExecute);

public ICommand AddPhraseCommand get; private set;
public ICommand LoadFile get; private set;

private void OnNewPhraseExecute(object obj)

SelectedPhraseEditViewModel = CreateAndLoadPhraseEditViewModel(null);

private IPhraseEditViewModel CreateAndLoadPhraseEditViewModel(int? phraseId)

//Application.Current.MainPage.Navigation.PushAsync(new PhraseEditPage());
var phraseEditVm = _phraseEditVmCreator();
PhraseEdit = true;
return phraseEditVm;

private async void OnLoadFileExecute(object obj)

FileLocation = await _dataProvider.PickUpFile();
LoadedPhrases = LoadFromFile(FileLocation);

public void LoadGroups() //loads group list from the DB

foreach (var group in _dataProvider.GetGroups())


public List<Phrase> LoadFromFile(string filePath)

if (filePath != "")

int fieldCount = csv.FieldCount;
string[] headers = csv.GetFieldHeaders();
for (int i = 0; i < fieldCount; i++)

myPhraseMap[headers[i]] = i;

while (csv.ReadNextRecord())

Phrase phrase = new Phrase

Name = csv[myPhraseMap["Name"]],
Definition = csv[myPhraseMap["Definition"]],
Category = csv[myPhraseMap["Category"]],
Group = csv[myPhraseMap["Group"]],
Priority = csv[myPhraseMap["Priority"]],
Learned = false



return LoadedPhrases;

public void PopulateDb(List<Phrase> phrases)

if (oldPhrases != phrases) //populates only if collection is new

foreach (var item in phrases)


oldPhrases = phrases;

GitHub repository of the project

share|improve this question

New contributor

bakunet is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
Check out our Code of Conduct.




    I am currently writing my first TDD application. The project is in Xamarin.Forms and tested in xUnit.

    I am wondering if maybe more experienced developers will have any comments or suggestions regarding the code or architecture, before I will continue with next View Models, to avoid corrections.

    I am using also Autofac and Moq.

    Test class:

    public class MainPageViewModelTests

    List<Phrase> phrases;
    private MainPageViewModel _viewModel;
    private Mock<IPhraseEditViewModel> _phraseEditViewModelMock;
    private Mock<IMainDataProvider> _mainDataProviderMock;
    public MainPageViewModelTests()

    private IPhraseEditViewModel CreatePhraseEditViewModel() //method for creating PhraseEditVM

    var phraseEditViewModelMock = new Mock<IPhraseEditViewModel>();
    phraseEditViewModelMock.Setup(vm => vm.LoadPhrase(It.IsAny<int>()))
    .Callback<int?>(phraseId =>

    phraseEditViewModelMock.Setup(vm => vm.Phrase)
    .Returns(new Phrase());
    _phraseEditViewModelMock = phraseEditViewModelMock; //field = var(!!)
    return phraseEditViewModelMock.Object;

    public void LoadGroups_ShouldLoadOnce_True()

    _viewModel.LoadGroups(); //loads groups twice

    Assert.Equal(3, _viewModel.Groups.Count); //counts how many groups are loaded

    public void LoadGroups_ShouldLoad_True()

    _viewModel.LoadGroups(); //loads collection of groups (from setup)
    Assert.Equal(3, _viewModel.Groups.Count); //counts groups
    var phrase = _viewModel.Groups[0];
    Assert.Equal("Group #1", phrase); //compares group name

    public void AddPhrase_ShouldBeExecuted_True()

    _viewModel.PhraseEdit = false; //set up PhraseEdit prop
    _viewModel.AddPhraseCommand.Execute(null); // executes command
    Assert.True(_viewModel.PhraseEdit); //verifies PhraseEdit prop
    _phraseEditViewModelMock.Verify(vm => vm.LoadPhrase(null), Times.Once); //counts loaded phrases

    public void LoadFromFile_ShouldConvertReturnedCorrectFormatString_ReturnsPhraseList()

    _viewModel.LoadFromFile("goodData.csv"); //loads phrases from the file
    Assert.Equal(2, _viewModel.LoadedPhrases.Count); //counts loaded phrases from the file
    var phrase = _viewModel.LoadedPhrases[0];
    Assert.NotNull(phrase); //checks if phrase is not null, below compares props
    Assert.Equal("name1", phrase.Name);
    Assert.Equal("def1", phrase.Definition);
    Assert.Equal("cat1", phrase.Category);
    Assert.Equal("gr1", phrase.Group);
    Assert.Equal("prio1", phrase.Priority);

    public void PopulateDb_ShouldSeedDbWithPhrases_CallsDpSavePhrase()

    _viewModel.LoadedPhrases = phrases; //populates collection
    _viewModel.PopulateDb(_viewModel.LoadedPhrases); //populates Db with phase list - 1 item
    _mainDataProviderMock.Verify(dp => dp.SavePhrase(It.IsAny<Phrase>()), Times.Once); //counts saved phrases

    public void LoadFile_ShouldBeExecuted_CallsOnLoadFileExecute()

    _viewModel.LoadFile.Execute(null); //execute command
    Assert.Equal(2, _viewModel.LoadedPhrases.Count()); //counts loaded phrases from the file
    Assert.Equal(3, _viewModel.Groups.Count); //counts loaded groups
    _mainDataProviderMock.Verify(dp => dp.SavePhrase(It.IsAny<Phrase>()), Times.AtLeast(2)); //counts saved phrases

    public void PopulateDb_ShouldSeedDbOnce_True()

    _viewModel.LoadedPhrases = phrases; //populates collection
    _viewModel.PopulateDb(_viewModel.LoadedPhrases); //seeds Db twice
    _mainDataProviderMock.Verify(dp => dp.SavePhrase(It.IsAny<Phrase>()), Times.Once); //should seed only once

    public void LoadFromFile_WithFilePathParameterIsNull_ReturnsEmptyCollection()

    List<Phrase> expected = new List<Phrase>();
    expected.Clear(); //expectations
    List<Phrase> method = _viewModel.LoadFromFile("");//loads phrases from the file with empty path parameter
    _viewModel.LoadFromFile(""); //loads phrases from the file with empty path string
    Assert.Empty(_viewModel.LoadedPhrases); // check if LoadedPhrases is empty
    Assert.Equal(expected, method); //compare expectations with method returns

    public void PopulateDb_GetsEmptyCollectionParameter_DoesNothing()

    _viewModel.LoadedPhrases.Clear(); //collection is empty
    _viewModel.PopulateDb(_viewModel.LoadedPhrases); //PopulateDb with empty collection
    _mainDataProviderMock.Verify(dp => dp.SavePhrase(It.IsAny<Phrase>()), Times.Never); //with empty collection SavePhrase runs never

    public void LoadFromFile_GetsPathToEmptyFile_ReturnsEmptyCollection()

    List<Phrase> expected = new List<Phrase>();
    expected.Clear(); //expectations
    List<Phrase> method = _viewModel.LoadFromFile("emptyData.csv"); //loads phrases from the file with empty content
    Assert.Empty(_viewModel.LoadedPhrases); // check if LoadedPhrases is empty
    Assert.Equal(expected, method); //compare expectations with method returns

    //zły format pliku

    Tested View Model class:

    public interface IMainPageViewModel

    void LoadGroups();

    public class MainPageViewModel : ViewModelBase, IMainPageViewModel

    List<Phrase> oldPhrases = new List<Phrase>(); //verification for PopulateDb method;
    private Func<IPhraseEditViewModel> _phraseEditVmCreator;
    private IMainDataProvider _dataProvider;
    public string FileLocation get; set;
    public ObservableCollection<string> Groups get; set;
    public List<Phrase> LoadedPhrases get; set;
    public bool PhraseEdit get; set;
    public IPhraseEditViewModel SelectedPhraseEditViewModel get; set;
    public MainPageViewModel(IMainDataProvider dataProvider,
    Func<IPhraseEditViewModel> phraseditVmCreator) //ctor

    _dataProvider = dataProvider;
    _phraseEditVmCreator = phraseditVmCreator;
    Groups = new ObservableCollection<string>();
    LoadedPhrases = new List<Phrase>();
    //commands tests
    AddPhraseCommand = new DelegateCommand(OnNewPhraseExecute);
    LoadFile = new DelegateCommand(OnLoadFileExecute);

    public ICommand AddPhraseCommand get; private set;
    public ICommand LoadFile get; private set;

    private void OnNewPhraseExecute(object obj)

    SelectedPhraseEditViewModel = CreateAndLoadPhraseEditViewModel(null);

    private IPhraseEditViewModel CreateAndLoadPhraseEditViewModel(int? phraseId)

    //Application.Current.MainPage.Navigation.PushAsync(new PhraseEditPage());
    var phraseEditVm = _phraseEditVmCreator();
    PhraseEdit = true;
    return phraseEditVm;

    private async void OnLoadFileExecute(object obj)

    FileLocation = await _dataProvider.PickUpFile();
    LoadedPhrases = LoadFromFile(FileLocation);

    public void LoadGroups() //loads group list from the DB

    foreach (var group in _dataProvider.GetGroups())


    public List<Phrase> LoadFromFile(string filePath)

    if (filePath != "")

    int fieldCount = csv.FieldCount;
    string[] headers = csv.GetFieldHeaders();
    for (int i = 0; i < fieldCount; i++)

    myPhraseMap[headers[i]] = i;

    while (csv.ReadNextRecord())

    Phrase phrase = new Phrase

    Name = csv[myPhraseMap["Name"]],
    Definition = csv[myPhraseMap["Definition"]],
    Category = csv[myPhraseMap["Category"]],
    Group = csv[myPhraseMap["Group"]],
    Priority = csv[myPhraseMap["Priority"]],
    Learned = false



    return LoadedPhrases;

    public void PopulateDb(List<Phrase> phrases)

    if (oldPhrases != phrases) //populates only if collection is new

    foreach (var item in phrases)


    oldPhrases = phrases;

    GitHub repository of the project

    share|improve this question

    New contributor

    bakunet is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
    Check out our Code of Conduct.






      I am currently writing my first TDD application. The project is in Xamarin.Forms and tested in xUnit.

      I am wondering if maybe more experienced developers will have any comments or suggestions regarding the code or architecture, before I will continue with next View Models, to avoid corrections.

      I am using also Autofac and Moq.

      Test class:

      public class MainPageViewModelTests

      List<Phrase> phrases;
      private MainPageViewModel _viewModel;
      private Mock<IPhraseEditViewModel> _phraseEditViewModelMock;
      private Mock<IMainDataProvider> _mainDataProviderMock;
      public MainPageViewModelTests()

      private IPhraseEditViewModel CreatePhraseEditViewModel() //method for creating PhraseEditVM

      var phraseEditViewModelMock = new Mock<IPhraseEditViewModel>();
      phraseEditViewModelMock.Setup(vm => vm.LoadPhrase(It.IsAny<int>()))
      .Callback<int?>(phraseId =>

      phraseEditViewModelMock.Setup(vm => vm.Phrase)
      .Returns(new Phrase());
      _phraseEditViewModelMock = phraseEditViewModelMock; //field = var(!!)
      return phraseEditViewModelMock.Object;

      public void LoadGroups_ShouldLoadOnce_True()

      _viewModel.LoadGroups(); //loads groups twice

      Assert.Equal(3, _viewModel.Groups.Count); //counts how many groups are loaded

      public void LoadGroups_ShouldLoad_True()

      _viewModel.LoadGroups(); //loads collection of groups (from setup)
      Assert.Equal(3, _viewModel.Groups.Count); //counts groups
      var phrase = _viewModel.Groups[0];
      Assert.Equal("Group #1", phrase); //compares group name

      public void AddPhrase_ShouldBeExecuted_True()

      _viewModel.PhraseEdit = false; //set up PhraseEdit prop
      _viewModel.AddPhraseCommand.Execute(null); // executes command
      Assert.True(_viewModel.PhraseEdit); //verifies PhraseEdit prop
      _phraseEditViewModelMock.Verify(vm => vm.LoadPhrase(null), Times.Once); //counts loaded phrases

      public void LoadFromFile_ShouldConvertReturnedCorrectFormatString_ReturnsPhraseList()

      _viewModel.LoadFromFile("goodData.csv"); //loads phrases from the file
      Assert.Equal(2, _viewModel.LoadedPhrases.Count); //counts loaded phrases from the file
      var phrase = _viewModel.LoadedPhrases[0];
      Assert.NotNull(phrase); //checks if phrase is not null, below compares props
      Assert.Equal("name1", phrase.Name);
      Assert.Equal("def1", phrase.Definition);
      Assert.Equal("cat1", phrase.Category);
      Assert.Equal("gr1", phrase.Group);
      Assert.Equal("prio1", phrase.Priority);

      public void PopulateDb_ShouldSeedDbWithPhrases_CallsDpSavePhrase()

      _viewModel.LoadedPhrases = phrases; //populates collection
      _viewModel.PopulateDb(_viewModel.LoadedPhrases); //populates Db with phase list - 1 item
      _mainDataProviderMock.Verify(dp => dp.SavePhrase(It.IsAny<Phrase>()), Times.Once); //counts saved phrases

      public void LoadFile_ShouldBeExecuted_CallsOnLoadFileExecute()

      _viewModel.LoadFile.Execute(null); //execute command
      Assert.Equal(2, _viewModel.LoadedPhrases.Count()); //counts loaded phrases from the file
      Assert.Equal(3, _viewModel.Groups.Count); //counts loaded groups
      _mainDataProviderMock.Verify(dp => dp.SavePhrase(It.IsAny<Phrase>()), Times.AtLeast(2)); //counts saved phrases

      public void PopulateDb_ShouldSeedDbOnce_True()

      _viewModel.LoadedPhrases = phrases; //populates collection
      _viewModel.PopulateDb(_viewModel.LoadedPhrases); //seeds Db twice
      _mainDataProviderMock.Verify(dp => dp.SavePhrase(It.IsAny<Phrase>()), Times.Once); //should seed only once

      public void LoadFromFile_WithFilePathParameterIsNull_ReturnsEmptyCollection()

      List<Phrase> expected = new List<Phrase>();
      expected.Clear(); //expectations
      List<Phrase> method = _viewModel.LoadFromFile("");//loads phrases from the file with empty path parameter
      _viewModel.LoadFromFile(""); //loads phrases from the file with empty path string
      Assert.Empty(_viewModel.LoadedPhrases); // check if LoadedPhrases is empty
      Assert.Equal(expected, method); //compare expectations with method returns

      public void PopulateDb_GetsEmptyCollectionParameter_DoesNothing()

      _viewModel.LoadedPhrases.Clear(); //collection is empty
      _viewModel.PopulateDb(_viewModel.LoadedPhrases); //PopulateDb with empty collection
      _mainDataProviderMock.Verify(dp => dp.SavePhrase(It.IsAny<Phrase>()), Times.Never); //with empty collection SavePhrase runs never

      public void LoadFromFile_GetsPathToEmptyFile_ReturnsEmptyCollection()

      List<Phrase> expected = new List<Phrase>();
      expected.Clear(); //expectations
      List<Phrase> method = _viewModel.LoadFromFile("emptyData.csv"); //loads phrases from the file with empty content
      Assert.Empty(_viewModel.LoadedPhrases); // check if LoadedPhrases is empty
      Assert.Equal(expected, method); //compare expectations with method returns

      //zły format pliku

      Tested View Model class:

      public interface IMainPageViewModel

      void LoadGroups();

      public class MainPageViewModel : ViewModelBase, IMainPageViewModel

      List<Phrase> oldPhrases = new List<Phrase>(); //verification for PopulateDb method;
      private Func<IPhraseEditViewModel> _phraseEditVmCreator;
      private IMainDataProvider _dataProvider;
      public string FileLocation get; set;
      public ObservableCollection<string> Groups get; set;
      public List<Phrase> LoadedPhrases get; set;
      public bool PhraseEdit get; set;
      public IPhraseEditViewModel SelectedPhraseEditViewModel get; set;
      public MainPageViewModel(IMainDataProvider dataProvider,
      Func<IPhraseEditViewModel> phraseditVmCreator) //ctor

      _dataProvider = dataProvider;
      _phraseEditVmCreator = phraseditVmCreator;
      Groups = new ObservableCollection<string>();
      LoadedPhrases = new List<Phrase>();
      //commands tests
      AddPhraseCommand = new DelegateCommand(OnNewPhraseExecute);
      LoadFile = new DelegateCommand(OnLoadFileExecute);

      public ICommand AddPhraseCommand get; private set;
      public ICommand LoadFile get; private set;

      private void OnNewPhraseExecute(object obj)

      SelectedPhraseEditViewModel = CreateAndLoadPhraseEditViewModel(null);

      private IPhraseEditViewModel CreateAndLoadPhraseEditViewModel(int? phraseId)

      //Application.Current.MainPage.Navigation.PushAsync(new PhraseEditPage());
      var phraseEditVm = _phraseEditVmCreator();
      PhraseEdit = true;
      return phraseEditVm;

      private async void OnLoadFileExecute(object obj)

      FileLocation = await _dataProvider.PickUpFile();
      LoadedPhrases = LoadFromFile(FileLocation);

      public void LoadGroups() //loads group list from the DB

      foreach (var group in _dataProvider.GetGroups())


      public List<Phrase> LoadFromFile(string filePath)

      if (filePath != "")

      int fieldCount = csv.FieldCount;
      string[] headers = csv.GetFieldHeaders();
      for (int i = 0; i < fieldCount; i++)

      myPhraseMap[headers[i]] = i;

      while (csv.ReadNextRecord())

      Phrase phrase = new Phrase

      Name = csv[myPhraseMap["Name"]],
      Definition = csv[myPhraseMap["Definition"]],
      Category = csv[myPhraseMap["Category"]],
      Group = csv[myPhraseMap["Group"]],
      Priority = csv[myPhraseMap["Priority"]],
      Learned = false



      return LoadedPhrases;

      public void PopulateDb(List<Phrase> phrases)

      if (oldPhrases != phrases) //populates only if collection is new

      foreach (var item in phrases)


      oldPhrases = phrases;

      GitHub repository of the project

      share|improve this question

      New contributor

      bakunet is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
      Check out our Code of Conduct.


      I am currently writing my first TDD application. The project is in Xamarin.Forms and tested in xUnit.

      I am wondering if maybe more experienced developers will have any comments or suggestions regarding the code or architecture, before I will continue with next View Models, to avoid corrections.

      I am using also Autofac and Moq.

      Test class:

      public class MainPageViewModelTests

      List<Phrase> phrases;
      private MainPageViewModel _viewModel;
      private Mock<IPhraseEditViewModel> _phraseEditViewModelMock;
      private Mock<IMainDataProvider> _mainDataProviderMock;
      public MainPageViewModelTests()

      private IPhraseEditViewModel CreatePhraseEditViewModel() //method for creating PhraseEditVM

      var phraseEditViewModelMock = new Mock<IPhraseEditViewModel>();
      phraseEditViewModelMock.Setup(vm => vm.LoadPhrase(It.IsAny<int>()))
      .Callback<int?>(phraseId =>

      phraseEditViewModelMock.Setup(vm => vm.Phrase)
      .Returns(new Phrase());
      _phraseEditViewModelMock = phraseEditViewModelMock; //field = var(!!)
      return phraseEditViewModelMock.Object;

      public void LoadGroups_ShouldLoadOnce_True()

      _viewModel.LoadGroups(); //loads groups twice

      Assert.Equal(3, _viewModel.Groups.Count); //counts how many groups are loaded

      public void LoadGroups_ShouldLoad_True()

      _viewModel.LoadGroups(); //loads collection of groups (from setup)
      Assert.Equal(3, _viewModel.Groups.Count); //counts groups
      var phrase = _viewModel.Groups[0];
      Assert.Equal("Group #1", phrase); //compares group name

      public void AddPhrase_ShouldBeExecuted_True()

      _viewModel.PhraseEdit = false; //set up PhraseEdit prop
      _viewModel.AddPhraseCommand.Execute(null); // executes command
      Assert.True(_viewModel.PhraseEdit); //verifies PhraseEdit prop
      _phraseEditViewModelMock.Verify(vm => vm.LoadPhrase(null), Times.Once); //counts loaded phrases

      public void LoadFromFile_ShouldConvertReturnedCorrectFormatString_ReturnsPhraseList()

      _viewModel.LoadFromFile("goodData.csv"); //loads phrases from the file
      Assert.Equal(2, _viewModel.LoadedPhrases.Count); //counts loaded phrases from the file
      var phrase = _viewModel.LoadedPhrases[0];
      Assert.NotNull(phrase); //checks if phrase is not null, below compares props
      Assert.Equal("name1", phrase.Name);
      Assert.Equal("def1", phrase.Definition);
      Assert.Equal("cat1", phrase.Category);
      Assert.Equal("gr1", phrase.Group);
      Assert.Equal("prio1", phrase.Priority);

      public void PopulateDb_ShouldSeedDbWithPhrases_CallsDpSavePhrase()

      _viewModel.LoadedPhrases = phrases; //populates collection
      _viewModel.PopulateDb(_viewModel.LoadedPhrases); //populates Db with phase list - 1 item
      _mainDataProviderMock.Verify(dp => dp.SavePhrase(It.IsAny<Phrase>()), Times.Once); //counts saved phrases

      public void LoadFile_ShouldBeExecuted_CallsOnLoadFileExecute()

      _viewModel.LoadFile.Execute(null); //execute command
      Assert.Equal(2, _viewModel.LoadedPhrases.Count()); //counts loaded phrases from the file
      Assert.Equal(3, _viewModel.Groups.Count); //counts loaded groups
      _mainDataProviderMock.Verify(dp => dp.SavePhrase(It.IsAny<Phrase>()), Times.AtLeast(2)); //counts saved phrases

      public void PopulateDb_ShouldSeedDbOnce_True()

      _viewModel.LoadedPhrases = phrases; //populates collection
      _viewModel.PopulateDb(_viewModel.LoadedPhrases); //seeds Db twice
      _mainDataProviderMock.Verify(dp => dp.SavePhrase(It.IsAny<Phrase>()), Times.Once); //should seed only once

      public void LoadFromFile_WithFilePathParameterIsNull_ReturnsEmptyCollection()

      List<Phrase> expected = new List<Phrase>();
      expected.Clear(); //expectations
      List<Phrase> method = _viewModel.LoadFromFile("");//loads phrases from the file with empty path parameter
      _viewModel.LoadFromFile(""); //loads phrases from the file with empty path string
      Assert.Empty(_viewModel.LoadedPhrases); // check if LoadedPhrases is empty
      Assert.Equal(expected, method); //compare expectations with method returns

      public void PopulateDb_GetsEmptyCollectionParameter_DoesNothing()

      _viewModel.LoadedPhrases.Clear(); //collection is empty
      _viewModel.PopulateDb(_viewModel.LoadedPhrases); //PopulateDb with empty collection
      _mainDataProviderMock.Verify(dp => dp.SavePhrase(It.IsAny<Phrase>()), Times.Never); //with empty collection SavePhrase runs never

      public void LoadFromFile_GetsPathToEmptyFile_ReturnsEmptyCollection()

      List<Phrase> expected = new List<Phrase>();
      expected.Clear(); //expectations
      List<Phrase> method = _viewModel.LoadFromFile("emptyData.csv"); //loads phrases from the file with empty content
      Assert.Empty(_viewModel.LoadedPhrases); // check if LoadedPhrases is empty
      Assert.Equal(expected, method); //compare expectations with method returns

      //zły format pliku

      Tested View Model class:

      public interface IMainPageViewModel

      void LoadGroups();

      public class MainPageViewModel : ViewModelBase, IMainPageViewModel

      List<Phrase> oldPhrases = new List<Phrase>(); //verification for PopulateDb method;
      private Func<IPhraseEditViewModel> _phraseEditVmCreator;
      private IMainDataProvider _dataProvider;
      public string FileLocation get; set;
      public ObservableCollection<string> Groups get; set;
      public List<Phrase> LoadedPhrases get; set;
      public bool PhraseEdit get; set;
      public IPhraseEditViewModel SelectedPhraseEditViewModel get; set;
      public MainPageViewModel(IMainDataProvider dataProvider,
      Func<IPhraseEditViewModel> phraseditVmCreator) //ctor

      _dataProvider = dataProvider;
      _phraseEditVmCreator = phraseditVmCreator;
      Groups = new ObservableCollection<string>();
      LoadedPhrases = new List<Phrase>();
      //commands tests
      AddPhraseCommand = new DelegateCommand(OnNewPhraseExecute);
      LoadFile = new DelegateCommand(OnLoadFileExecute);

      public ICommand AddPhraseCommand get; private set;
      public ICommand LoadFile get; private set;

      private void OnNewPhraseExecute(object obj)

      SelectedPhraseEditViewModel = CreateAndLoadPhraseEditViewModel(null);

      private IPhraseEditViewModel CreateAndLoadPhraseEditViewModel(int? phraseId)

      //Application.Current.MainPage.Navigation.PushAsync(new PhraseEditPage());
      var phraseEditVm = _phraseEditVmCreator();
      PhraseEdit = true;
      return phraseEditVm;

      private async void OnLoadFileExecute(object obj)

      FileLocation = await _dataProvider.PickUpFile();
      LoadedPhrases = LoadFromFile(FileLocation);

      public void LoadGroups() //loads group list from the DB

      foreach (var group in _dataProvider.GetGroups())


      public List<Phrase> LoadFromFile(string filePath)

      if (filePath != "")

      int fieldCount = csv.FieldCount;
      string[] headers = csv.GetFieldHeaders();
      for (int i = 0; i < fieldCount; i++)

      myPhraseMap[headers[i]] = i;

      while (csv.ReadNextRecord())

      Phrase phrase = new Phrase

      Name = csv[myPhraseMap["Name"]],
      Definition = csv[myPhraseMap["Definition"]],
      Category = csv[myPhraseMap["Category"]],
      Group = csv[myPhraseMap["Group"]],
      Priority = csv[myPhraseMap["Priority"]],
      Learned = false



      return LoadedPhrases;

      public void PopulateDb(List<Phrase> phrases)

      if (oldPhrases != phrases) //populates only if collection is new

      foreach (var item in phrases)


      oldPhrases = phrases;

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      c# xamarin moq

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